5 Reasons to Think Twice Before Co-signing Credit Union Loans with Your KidsUsing credit union loans for traditional large purchases, such as homes and vehicles, is a great way for young adults to build credit history. The catch is it's sometimes difficult to obtain that first loan without a track record of successful payments. Your established credit record makes you eligible to co-sign on credit union loans for your kids, but that can sometimes be a risky option. Carefully consider the risks below before you sign on the dotted line: Risks of Co-signing Credit Union Loans With Your KidsCo-signing for a loan isn't simply a matter of vouching for someone. You become responsible for the debt if your child fails to make timely payments. According to the Federal Trade Commission, as many as three out of four co-signers end up paying all or part of the loan. While a loan can help your kids build their credit history, late payments or defaults will ding your own credit rating. Are you planning a major purchase of your own in the near future? Co-signing does not by itself hurt your credit, but the debt does show up on your credit report and could negatively impact your debt-to-income ratio, making it more difficult for you to get your own loans approved. In addition to putting your own credit at risk, if you co-sign a loan for one of your kids, you're creating a safety net, keeping them from upholding their own responsibilities and learning a valuable lesson about adulthood. Alternatives to Co-signing LoansInstead of co-signing on a loan, here are some other options that can help your children financially, but won’t jeopardize your credit score:
Learn More at Clark County Credit UnionIf you’re hesitant about co-signing credit union loans and would like to explore other options for your children or other family members, check out Banzai for a plethora of financial resources, or contact us today at 702-228-2228. |